Application Form

Application form allows potential course-takers view the list of available courses and apply to participate.

Application form presents all the upcoming institution courses grouped by course type.

The application form is designed to only display the list of available courses for an individual applicant based on their personal ACUE history. To identify the applicant, we ask applicants to provide an email address and validate it to make sure it's valid and available.

Using the provided email address, we check for the following information:

  • previous applications

  • previously completed courses

  • current enrollments

Using this information, the application form disables course options that would result in double applications, retaking courses for which the applicant has already earned the credential, or taking multiple courses simultaneously.

  • If the applicant completed the course of the same or similar* type as the course application form presents, course will be shown as "Completed" on the form and not available for selection.

  • If the applicant already applied for or is currently enrolled in the course of the same or similar* type as the course application form presents, course will be shown as "In Progress or Applied To" on the form and not available for selection

  • If the applicant already applied to or is currently enrolled in a course with a schedule conflicting** a schedule of a course the application form presents, the course will be shown as "Overlapping Schedule" on the form and not available for selection.

  • If there are same or similar courses, or courses with conflicting schedules, available for selection on the form, only one of those courses will be allowed to select, and on the attempt to select a competing course the previous choice will be unselected automatically.

* Courses are considered same or similar if they contain the same modules. For example, course in "Effective Teaching Practices" has all the modules included in the course "Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment", so a course-taker would not enroll in both courses.

** Schedules are considered conflicting or overlapping if their start dates are within 2 weeks of each other

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